Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy
What Does It Mean For My Child?

Spastic diplegia cerebral palsy affects muscle stiffness in predominantly the legs.

The arms and face may be less severely affected, and the hands may be clumsy. Tendon reflexes are hyperactive. Toes point up. Tightness in certain leg muscles makes the legs move like the arms of a scissor.

Children with this type of cerebral palsy may require a walker or leg braces. Intelligence and language skills are often normal.

Originally called Little's disease, spastic diplegia was one of the first types of cerebral palsy to be identified. Click here for more information about the history of cerebral palsy.

If you have a child with the spastic diplegia type of cerebral palsy, don't be overwhelmed.

There are therapies available that can help your child get better.

There is hope.

To learn more about Cerebral Palsy, please investigate the following links:

Click here for the Cerebral Palsy Guide

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Causes

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Prognosis

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