Hypotonic Cerebral Palsy
What Does It Mean For My Child?

Hypotonic cerebral palsy describes a cerebral palsy child with decreased muscle tone. The child will seem very relaxed, even floppy.

According to the National Institutes of Health, hypotonia is marked by decreased muscle tone (the amount of resistance to movement in a muscle). It is not the same as muscle weakness, although the two conditions can co-exist.

Infants with hypotonia have a floppy quality or "rag doll" appearance because their arms and legs hang by their sides and they have little or no head control.

Other symptoms of hypotonia include problems with mobility and posture, breathing and speech difficulties, lethargy, ligament and joint laxity, and poor reflexes.

Suggested treatments from doctors of cerebral palsy children with hypotonia may include drugs, surgery, or injections. In our opinion, these treatments only mask the underlying problem.

Hypotonia is a symptom of the brain damage to your child. If you treat the brain damage correctly, these symptoms can improve.

If your child has been diagnosed with hypotonic cerebral palsy, don't be overwhelmed.

There are parent-driven therapies that can help your child get better.

There is hope.

To learn more about Cerebral Palsy, please investigate the following links:

Click here for the Cerebral Palsy Guide

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Causes

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Prognosis

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