Cerebral Palsy Aging
What Can We Expect For Our Child?

Cerebral palsy aging is a concern for parents and siblings. Unfortunately there has been very little study about aging and cerebral palsy. Click here for cerebral palsy statistics.

Only recently, as more of those with cerebral palsy are living longer has cerebral palsy aging become a bigger topic.

Since cerebral palsy is a "non-progressive" disorder, it is often thought that the existing level of function of a person with cerebral palsy will remain the same throughout their life.

However, the majority of individuals with cerebral palsy will experience some form of premature aging simply because of the extra stress and strain the condition puts upon their bodies.

The developmental delays that often accompany cerebral palsy aging keep some organ systems from developing to their full capacity and level of performance. As a consequence, organ systems such as the cardiovascular system (the heart, veins, and arteries) and pulmonary system (lungs) have to work harder, and they age prematurely.

This premature aging of individuals with cerebral palsy will often result in pain, stiffness in joints, incontinence, and overall fatigue.

In addition, many with cerebral palsy use all of their energy just making it through each day. Therefore, any illness or injury that strikes takes longer to recover from. They just don't have the extra energy and health to recover quickly.

Therefore, it is vital to make as much progress against the disorder when the person is young. Therapies are available to improve the child's structure and the function of these organ systems while your child is young.

The healthier you child is, the better his or her chances are of improving. And the better your child will age.

It can be sad to think of the future of your cerebral palsy child, but it doesn't have to be.

With effective parent-driven therapies, it is possible to make your child better.

You can find hope and joy for your child.

To learn more about Cerebral Palsy, please investigate the following links:

Click here for the Cerebral Palsy Guide

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Causes

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

Click here for Cerebral Palsy Prognosis

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